How do you break out of the cycle of despair?
If you’ve followed through on the first two choices in this series, you’re already moving out of this vicious cycle. You’ve made the “Reality Choice,” where you admitted your need. You’ve also made the “Hope Choice,” believing that you matter to God and that He has the power to help you.
Now you are ready to make the third choice, the “Commitment Choice,” where you make the decision to walk across the line. You take a step across that line of decision – a step toward God that says you are giving it all to Him and a step away from the old way of doing it all yourself.
If you haven’t made this choice as yet, it will be the most important choice in your life – the choice to accept Christ. For others who have already chosen Christ, this choice will mean a renewed commitment to let go of their lives and give them over to Christ’s care and control.